Digital Women Annual Awards and Conference 2024


Sponsorship Opportunities

September 18th, 2024

About the Event

  • Purpose: To celebrate, inspire, and connect women in digital and business roles.
  • Audience: Over 200 engaged women from various digital roles, including business owners, freelancers, agency owners, women in digital careers and women returners.
  • Date and Venue: September 18th, 2024, Grand Connaught Rooms, Covent Garden.

Why Partner with Us?

  • Brand Visibility: Reach an audience of 130k followers on social media, 50k LinkedIn newsletter subscribers, and a 7k email list.

  • Engagement: Direct engagement with a diverse and engaged community of women in digital and business.

  • Recognition: Your brand featured prominently in event materials, social media, and the printed "50 Digital Women to Watch" magazine.

  • Impact: Support the advancement and recognition of women in digital and business roles, aligning with your company's values and diversity initiatives.

Sponsorship Packages

Awards Sponsorship (£2,500 per category)

Present an award at the event

Branding on event materials and social media

Two tickets to the event

Stand Sponsorship (£3,000)

Stand Sponsorship (£3,000)

Exhibition stand at the conference

Branding on event materials and social media

Two tickets to the event

Combined Award and Stand Sponsorship (£5,000)

Present an award and have an exhibition stand

Prominent branding on event materials and social media

Two tickets to the event

Digital Woman of the Year Sponsorship (£5,000)

Exclusive sponsorship of the Digital Woman of the Year Award

Branding in the printed "50 Digital Women to Watch" magazine

Two tickets to the event

Conference and Award Programme



9:30 AM: Arrival, networking, and breakfast

2:05 PM: Speaker Address

9:30 AM: Arrival, networking, and breakfast

2:15 PM: Role-Based Awards Announcements

10:20 AM: Ice-breaking networking activity

3:00 PM: Break and Ice cream served

10:50 AM: Talks & Inspiration

3:20 PM: Digital Women Awards Categories Announcements

11:50 AM: Break and Networking

4:15 PM: Digital Woman of the Year finalists announcement

12:10 AM: Panel discussions

4:45 PM: Event Close

1:00 PM: Energising Lunch and Photographs

Audience Demographics



Women working in marketing, advertising, sales, freelance operations, owner-managed businesses

Digital, technology, business, marketing, media, professional services

Marketing and Promotion

Sponsors will gain access to our wider community through social media and email marketing as well as through our website and PR.

Social Media

  • Potential reach of over 130,000 followers across various social media platforms.

  • Regular promotional posts featuring sponsor logos and messages.

  • Dedicated social media campaigns leading up to and during the event.

Value: £6,000


  • Access to our 50,000 LinkedIn newsletter subscribers.

  • Inclusion in email blasts to our 7,000-strong email list.

  • Personalized email mentions highlighting sponsor contributions and involvement.

Value: £4,000

Website & Media Coverage

  • Featured placement on the event website with sponsor logos and links.

  • Inclusion in press releases distributed to major media outlets.

  • Coverage in post-event articles and recap videos shared on our digital channels.

Value: £5,500

Marketing Timeline

Our strategic marketing plan spans five phases, starting from June 20th, designed to maximise visibility, engagement, and sponsorship exposure leading up to the event.

Phase 1

Pre-Event Outreach and Shortlist Announcement (Week of June 20th)

Phase 2

Speaker and Sponsor Promotions (July 1st - July 31st)

Phase 3

50 Women to Watch Announcement (August 1st - August 15th)

Phase 4

Intensive Promotion and Engagement (August 16th - September 10th)

Phase 5

Final Countdown and Onsite Engagement (September 11th - September 18th)


  • Contact all shortlisted nominees with images and content they can share on social media.
  • Provide shortlisted nominees with branded content that includes sponsor logos for their respective categories.
  • Highlight sponsors as supporters in all communications and materials.


  • Increase awareness and excitement about the event.
  • Engage nominees in promoting the event to their networks.
  • Provide initial exposure for sponsors.


  • Begin marketing the conference with a focus on the lineup of speakers.
  • Promote sponsors through dedicated social media posts, email newsletters, and website features.
  • Announce key sponsors in press releases and media partnerships.


  • Build anticipation for the conference and highlight the value of attending.
  • Showcase the expertise and influence of the speakers.
  • Increase visibility for sponsors through multiple channels.


  • Announce the “50 Women to Watch” list, who will be featured at the conference.
  • Create and distribute digital content featuring the 50 Women to Watch, including sponsor logos.
  • Publish teasers and highlights from the upcoming magazine that will feature all 50 women.


  • Generate buzz and media coverage around the “50 Women to Watch”.
  • Encourage engagement and sharing on social media.
  • Highlight sponsor involvement and support.


  • Ramp up social media campaigns with daily posts highlighting speakers, sponsors, and event details.
  • Send out regular email newsletters with updates, reminders, and special features about the event and sponsors.
  • Release behind-the-scenes content and interviews with speakers and sponsors.


  • Maintain high levels of engagement and interest leading up to the event.
  • Drive ticket sales and registrations.
  • Ensure maximum exposure for sponsors.


  • Implement a final push for registrations and ticket sales with targeted ads and email campaigns.
  • Provide detailed event information and reminders to attendees.
  • Engage attendees with pre-event activities, such as live Q&A sessions and interactive social media posts.
  • Ensure all event materials, including signage and digital displays, prominently feature sponsors.


  • Maximise attendance and participation.
  • Ensure a seamless and engaging experience for attendees.
  • Highlight sponsors' contributions and involvement during the event.

Thank you, and we look forward

to working with you.

"We appreciate your interest in supporting the Digital Women Annual Awards and Conference 2024. Together, we can make a significant impact in celebrating and advancing the achievements of women in digital and business."

Please contact: Lucy Hall

Tel: 07908185536
